Reasons for adults to buy Amazon's Fire HD and Kindle "Kids Model": More profitable on Cyber Monday Sale (page 1/3)

Written By notebooktabletphone

 Looking back, I think 2019 was the year of the Amazon terminal's "Kids Model Festival".Beginning with the 8 -inch tablet "Fire HD 8 Kids Model" released on March 7, in June 7 -inch tablet "Fire 7", 10 in October.A kids model has been added not only to the type 1 tablet "Fire HD 10" but also to the 6 -inch e -book terminal "Kindle".

Fire HD 10 キッズモデルの裏面

 In all kids models, the kids cover is included as standard so that the child does not damage even if the child handles it somewhat violently, so that you can enjoy apps, videos, children's books, etc. (details will be described later).Is as if it was added to the normal "adult" terminal.

 Are there any benefits for adults to buy and use this?This time, I obtained each kids model of Fire HD 10 and Kindle and checked it in detail.

Large and heavy, but there is no sense of security

 First of all, let's pick up the different parts of the Fire HD 10 and the Fire HD 10 kids model, and the Kindle and the Kindle kids model.

大人がAmazonのFire HDやKindle「キッズモデル」を買う理由:サイバーマンデーセールでよりお得に(1/3 ページ)

Fire HD 10 キッズモデル(左)と通常版(右)のパッケージ。キッズモデルは大きくて重い同じく、Fire HD 10 キッズモデル(左)と通常版(ホワイト)のボディー(右)。ちなみに、キッズカバーを外せば通常版のブラックと全く同じである左から時計回りにFire HD 10 キッズモデル、Fire HD 10、Kindle キッズモデル。Kindle キッズモデルのカバーはハードタイプで、カバーにはマグネットが内蔵されており、開閉でスリープ/スリープ解除が可能だKindle用キッズカバーを開くと、内側が起毛素材であることが分かる。「画面を傷つけないよ、ニヤリ」といったところだろうか
Fire HD 10でのスペック比較
Fire HD 10キッズモデル通常版

 The interesting thing is that there is a difference in storage capacity between Kindle's kids model and the regular version.In Fire HD 10, the regular version has 32GB and 64GB, while the kids model is fixed 32GB, but in Kindle, it is 8GB, which is twice as much as the regular version.

 This is just an imagination, but you can use external storage (microSD card) in Fire HD 10, but cannot be used in Kindle.In addition, the content for children has more images such as illustrations than the text alone, so the data capacity is eaten.So, in Kindle, which cannot add external storage, I guess the storage capacity is doubled from the beginning.

 In terms of appearance, the kids model is larger and the weight is increased as the cover has a cover.Is the weight of about 778g too heavy for children to hold by hand?I'm worried, but if you use it on a floor or table on a floor or on a car, there is no problem.Thanks to the stand function on the kids cover, there is no need to support the full weight by hand.


 The author has a habit of physically dropping various things.They fall on the bag or from the top of the knee, hooked on the tab, dropped from the top of the table, dropped from the top of the table, and dropped it because it is not closed.

 Before this, the MacBook Air was dropped from the middle of the Ginza intersection, and when the hinge was bent, it was quite "dented".

 In that regard, Kids models for Fire HD 10 and Kindle are safe because they have a cover.Moreover, the kids cover of the Fire HD 10 has 4 sides of the main unit..The size is more than 5cm, so it must absorb the impact firmly.

 On the other hand, the Kindle Kids model is a general front cover.


 The only reason that the kids model can feel safe is that it has a cover.Even if the body is broken due to an accident, it will be exchanged for free with a "two -year limited warranty".In addition to falling, there are also children (or quiet adults), such as spilling liquids such as milk and dropping cream -rich cakes on their terminals.

 This is the same for Kindle's kids model, and if the body is broken by dropping or wetting, it will be replaced in the period free of charge during the period.Because it is a terminal that is easy to carry, the warranty thickness will lead to a sense of security.

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